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Northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita), Barcelona Zoo (Spain) - © Barcelona Zoo



We would like to thank our Sponsors:

Host & Main Sponsor: Barcelona Zoo

Simultaneous translation partially sponsored by: WAZA

Bronze Sponsor: ABMA

Bronze Sponsor: AICAS

Bronze Sponsor: Kasper FaunaFood


Bronze Sponsor: Kasper FaunaFood


Bronze Sponsor: Kiezebrink

Bronze Sponsor: Sparsholt College Group

Bronze Sponsor: Stichting de Harpij

Bronze Sponsor: ZooSpensefull

Auction items sponsored by: Brisa Gaia

Supporter: DN Creative Marketing & Design

Supporter: Zootransfer


Invitation to sponsors

Please consider supporting the 7th ICZ congress.

Any contribution, even the smallest, is considered an encouragement for the global community of zookeepers who work hard in often difficult conditions to promote the welfare of their animals and support conservation worldwide.

Sponsors are provided with a number of benefits depending on the level of their support. The additional benefit is that by financially supporting this congress the costs to delegates will reduce, enabling a greater turnout and thus a greater benefit to the wider zoo community.

Please download the sponsorship prospectus in English , Spanish or Portuguese or contact us at if you are interested in supporting the 7th ICZ congress.